An eBill is a secure and convenient way to keep all of your bills in one place electronically. You can view your eBill anytime from within the LegacyTexas Bill Pay service, and you can be notified both when your eBill arrives and when it is due. If you are signed up to receive an eBill, it does not mean your bill will be automatically paid. There are two different types of eBills: Direct and Indirect. At the end of the day, they look and behave pretty much exactly the same way so you won't ever notice a difference. The way Direct and Indirect eBills are obtained, however, is different and we would like you to be aware of and understand the difference.
Direct eBills
For a Direct eBill, we receive your bill directly from your biller. When signing up for a Direct eBill, we may ask you one or several questions to make sure you are the account holder. It could take a full billing cycle for the enrollment process to complete.
Indirect eBills
In the case of Indirect eBills, we pull your bill from your biller's website. To allow us to do this, you must first have an online account at your biller's website. When enrolling for an Indirect eBill, we will ask you to provide the User ID and Password you use at your biller's website. If necessary, we will also ask you to provide answers to security questions posed by your biller's website.
eBill Enrollment
- Select Bill Pay.
- Locate payee, select Get eBill.
- Your Bill (eBill) tab in the left-hand menu should be open.
- Fill out the information in the displayed fields.
Note: If you elect to receive an eBill, it does not mean your bill will be automatically paid. You will need to set up automatic payments after the eBill enrollment is complete.
eBill Management
Once an eBill is setup, you may view prior eBills, change your login credentials, or cancel eBill delivery. To make any of these modifications, complete the following steps:
- Select Bill Pay.
- Locate payee, select Your Bill (eBill).
- Select either:
View eBill History
Update eBill Information
Stop this eBill
File an eBill
When a bill arrives and you are signed up for an eBill; we count down the days until it is due and display the countdown information alongside the name of your payee. When you make a payment through the Bill Pay service, the eBill is marked as paid and a “Waiting for next bill…” message is displayed to the left of the name of your payee. You may elect, however, to make a payment to your payee outside of the Bill Pay service, or your eBill might not have any balance owed. In both of those cases, the Bill Pay service will continue to countdown to the eBill's due date, eventually showing it as overdue. In reality, the eBill is not overdue because you used a different method to pay it or no money was due. In this case, you can “file” the eBill. Filing the eBill is just a way to mark the bill as paid in the system without actually scheduling a payment against it.
- Select Bill Pay.
- Locate the payee.
- Select File beneath the overdue message, next to the payee’s name.
eBill Enrollment (Mobile)
- Tap Bill Pay.
- Tap Payees.
- Locate and tap payee name.
- Tap eBills.
- Fill out the information in the displayed fields.
- Tap Set Up.
Link to the Online Support Page document found here: https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/legacybankmedia/support/online-banking-support/Documents%20/eBill%20Management%20-%20Bill%20Pay.pdf